Only agents of change will survive as the industry grows. By Joe Andraski, July 16, 2012 It wasn’t long ago that companies were offshoring manufacturing, subassembly, technology, customer service, accounting and more. This isn’t to say that the practice has significantly changed—at least, not yet. The rapidly declining global economy, the increase in inflation, the [...]
RFID Key Onderzoeksresultaten
RFID can “take 96 percent of the time and effort out of cycle counting.” —RFID Research Center, University of Arkansas, Dillard’s Initiative, Apr. 30, 2009; Bloomingdale’s Initiative, Aug. 24, 2009 RFID can increase inventory accuracy between 17 percent and 27 percent —RFID Research Center, University of Arkansas, Dillard’s Initiative, Apr. 30, 2009; Bloomingdale’s Initiative, Aug. [...]
EPC-enabled RFID-technologie werkt
The RFID World Asia 2012 conference showed the value of item-level radio frequency identification. By Joe Andraski, Juni 18, 2012 VILRI had het geluk te worden uitgenodigd om bij de RFID World Asia presenteren 2012 conferentie en tentoonstelling, waar hebben we deelgenomen aan een panel en voorgezeten dag twee van het evenement. Het was goed georganiseerd, [...]